We are on a mission to unite men, women, children, and families of all shapes, sizes, and backgrounds to form a culture of inclusivity and help lead them to find their own Balance in life. Our goal is to help individuals live a happier and healthier life by embracing all stages of health while enjoying the food you consume along the way.
A dichotomy is a contrast between two things where there are both positive and negative aspects to the argument. The world of nutrition is full of them. For example: Let’s say you are trying to reduce the amount of sugar you consume. You choose to avoid fruit because they are naturally high in sugar. On one end, your sugar intake will decrease but on the other end you are missing out on all of the benefits that fruits provide. Here we believe that for every dichotomy, there is a “happy medium” in between. We believe in fighting to find a balance between “healthy” and “unhealthy”, “good” and “bad” and everything in between.